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  • #26606
    Kaylynn Kazanowski

    Patient safety is a collaborative effort involving healthcare professionals, drug manufacturers, healthcare organizations, as well as ongoing scholarly research. The IOM (institute of medicine) provides a lot of detailed research in regards to safety in education administration. They go on to say that first and foremost the establishment of a good partnership between patient and healthcare provider is crucial. The IOM sets forth expectations essentially of the patient and the paitents families to help establish safe practices as well.
    The ISMP ( Institute of Safe Medication Practices) has a primary purpose of identifying the causes of medication errors and recommending evidence bases strategies for prevention of these errors. The ismp also proves the healthcare professionals with a list of “high alert” drugs that indicated the drug has an increased potential for patient harm which signifies the need to be vigilant in preparation and administration of the medication and continues with monitoring after administration. Together there are plenty of resources to ensure medication are passed correctly and safely with minimal errors available to be made

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