IV Therapy Program
Blended Course: Online & Skills Lab
How to Apply for your LNA License
Step by Step Guide
How to Apply for your LNA License

New Hampshire State Police Background Check & Finger Printing

NH Board of Nursing Application & Online Account

Verify Your License

Let's Review Your Steps Here:

New Hampshire State Police
Background Check & Finger Printing
The NH Board of Nursing (BON) must receive and review your criminal record report and FBI fingerprinting in order to complete the application process. The Board can only accept completed criminal record reports that are sent to them directly from the NH State Police. The State Police only keeps fingerprinting results in their system for 30 days.
STEP 1: On the day of your Fingerprinting appointment, be sure to arrive with your photo ID. They will give you an “Applicant LiveScan Site Form” which you will need to send to the Board of Nursing. Keep it secure and do not lose it.
STEP 2: You can complete your LiveScan fingerprinting at any time before, during or after your LNA course. However, the State Police will only keep the results on file for 30 days. The PDF file of your live scan will be emailed directly to the Board of Nursing.
LiveScan MUST be paid online at the time the appointment is made.
Upon completion of LiveScan all results will be automatically sent directly to the Board of Nursing from the State Police.
*Be sure you have already completed and sent in your LiveScan fingerprinting documents before moving on to applying for your license.

NH Board of Nursing Application & Online Account
2. Select “Create an Account” from the menu on the left.
3. Enter your First and Last Name.
4. If you have Never Held a NH License enter a zero in the License number field
5. Fill out the registration page with your personal information for Name and Address
6. Create a Username and Password that you will remember and write it down.
7. Create a Password Question and Answer. Write this down so you remember.
8. Click “Register” – You will get the message “You have successfully Registered”, now click on the “Please Login” link.
10. Login with the Username and Password you just created in step 8.
11. If you have Never Held a NH License, click on “New Application” from the menu on the left.
- Profession: Nursing Assistant
- License Type: Licensed Nursing Assistant
- Obtained by Method: Competency Evaluation
13. Click “Start Application”

Verify Your License
You will need to verify your license online. Please note: The Board of Nursing will NOT mail a paper copy of your license to you. Everything is done electronically. It is your responsibility to check the Board’s website to verify your license has been posted. The Board will not contact you to let you know your application has been processed.