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  • #25476
    sapana das

    Sheri Fink conducted 500 interviews to explain to people what really happened at the memorial. She is a brave person to go around and interview 500 people and learn what they had to say. People had to go through flashbacks as they were giving interviews. Many people lost their family, loved ones. As Sheri fink wrote the story she might have felt people’s pain and what they had to go through to survive.

    2) The prologue opens with the crux of the life or death issue because the hospital was not prepared as they were supposed to when situations like this happen, but they were not. They were low on supplies and had no way to get help in situations like that. Dr pou was placed in predicament to prematurely extinguish the live of their patients.

    The state government was giving late mandatory evacuation but people were not safe to evacuate the city. They were giving orders to fill their bathtub with water in case they ran out of water. And they can use it.

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