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  • #23718
    Lydia Jordan

    1. The statement questions lack of preparedness from the hospital/staff as if they were ever was prepped or briefed incase an emergency were to take place. It indicates the hospitals neglect towards their own staff and patients as they didn’t know what to do in this type of situation. As chaos was expected it was more than that, it showed the lack of knowledge and team skills that should have been shown in a type of crisis.

    2. John Theiele, a respiratory therapist, was known for staying behind after the evacuation was called to continue to stay and care for his patients and people in need at the time. He felt that it was only right to smother the man because he felt he was struggling and in pain and in that time he wasn’t going to receive the correct treatment, nor even be able to make it long enough so John ended his life/suffering as he felt.

    3. Everyone has their own cultural, human, moral, personal beliefs, Whether religion or mindset as a factor there is still a difference of right and wrong and good and bad impact. While the events would probably break most religious and moral beliefs it’s how the hospital handed the crisis in time.

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