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  • #25784
    Elma Gosto

    The ethical columnist for The New York Times Magazine emphasizes the importance of preemptive preparation for potential catastrophes, as demonstrated by Hurricane Katrina. Healthcare personnel are ethically obligated to anticipate emergencies and consider factors like patient autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence in decision-making.

    John Thiele faced challenging circumstances at Memorial, including limited resources and communication. He decided to smother a man due to prolonged suffering and limited survival chances, but ethical principles and patient preferences should be considered when making end-of-life care decisions.

    The book discusses the complex nature of end-of-life preferences, highlighting the influence of religious beliefs, consent, and medical conditions. It emphasizes the need for healthcare professionals to be aware of these nuances and engage in ethical discussions to respect and follow patients’ end-of-life preferences.

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