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  • #16884
    Lucy Guerra

    We know that Dr. Pou will be a significant figure in this story. What about Fink’s description of her strikes you the most? What are her strengths and weaknesses?
    Fink wrote about Dr. Pou in a way that showed the true colors of what she did. Many people saw Dr. Pou as a bad guy and said she was a killer. Fink showed how Dr.Pou cared for everyone and how brave she was. Dr. Pou’s strengths are her ability to work under pressure and care about her job. I don’t think Dr.Pou showed any weakness in the book.

    Memorial sustained damage but remained functional on backup power as Hurricane Katrina passed through New Orleans. But we know that other perils await the doctors and patients in the coming days. How do you feel after reading this part of the book?
    Everyone in the hospital didn’t know that this hurricane would be that bad. They thought it would be just like other hurricanes they have had in the past. I felt sad knowing that they thought the storm was done the first time around, and they didn’t know they would lose so much after everything was through.

    Memorial shifts from “assault mode” to “survival mode,” We see snapshots of the chaos outside the hospital walls. Why is martial law instated?
    Martial law is instated for a national emergency. New rules are set, and the old laws are on hold during martial law to have a functioning situation.

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