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  • #25105
    Angela Burke

    I do not believe that race had anything to do with turning people away from the hospital. They turned them away due to the facts that they were under marshall law and couldn’t take the risk of letting unknown people in. Also they were having a hard enough time evacuating the people and patients they already had let alone take in more when it was a mandatory evacuation.

    I do not think the pets should have been put down. I believe they should have been uncrated and able to fend for themselves or placed on a lap in a boat. It wouldn’t have been an extra seat.

    Communication plagued the disaster situation. No one seemed to really be in charge and there were to many people making major decisions instead of everyone following the same guidelines.

    I think as a nurse you are spending more time with the patient getting to know them so you would be more likely to think about t
    what the patient is and has , however drs should never just classify people in such a way that is deciding who will survive and who won’t. Everyone should be given the chance to survive.

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