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  • #25081
    Elma Gosto

    The hospital prioritized urgent cases over white and black patients due to overwhelming resources and overwhelming demand, ignoring race as the decision was made to turn away in need.
    Also, the hospital had to euthanize pets left due to chaos and lack of resources, as the hospital could not care for them, and waiting for the chaos to pass was not an option.
    It is possible to believe that Merle Lagasse is someone’s mother and that she is terminally ill with cancer. Nurse Green’s perspective is more emotionally charged than Dr. Cook’s, which is more focused on the condition’s medical components. Both opinions are legitimate and allow for simultaneous holding. Merle is a mother to someone, and although if her cancer is incurable and her death is impending, she still deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
    Communication problems during this disaster are still being caused by a lack of resources, overloaded systems, trouble coordinating with various authorities, and a lack of situational awareness. Confusion and uncertainty brought on by the chaos of the accident have also made coordination and communication challenging. Lastly, communication has become more difficult due to the linguistic divide between staff members who speak Spanish and English.

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