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  • #24913
    Ashlyn Westmoreland

    1.)The hospital decided to turn people away because they were overwhelmed with the load they already had and were evacuating. As well as people who werent going there going through the situation at the hospital werent taking in how serious the whole situation was.. No personally I dont think these people were turned away because of race. Race had nothing to do with them being turned away the tragic situation was what had to do with it.
    2.) I dont think the pets should have been euthanized. I love animals and I dont think they should be euthanized unless absolutely necessary. They could have been rescued on the life boat.
    3.) I feel like doctors arent as compassionate as nurses because they dont work as close with the patients as nurses do. Nurses work at the bedside and build relationship with patients as they get to know them. So yes I can see why the nurse was more compassionate and saw Merle Legasse as a mother where doctors really only view patients as their diagnosis and nothing really more.
    4.) A huge factor that plagued the communication of the disaster was the fact that the electricty went out. Without any power they werent able to call eachother and use the phones for communiction. They werent able to get in contact with their superiors.

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