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  • #24816
    Angela Burke

    The thing that strikes me the most so far about Dr. Poe is that she is so career orientated that she does not have any family with her but yet she cares so much for the sink and less privileged. I believe her weaknesses are that she doesn’t have respect for higher ups then her and that she would rather do things herself because she always thinks she is right. At this point I would think wanting to be in control would be a strength because in disaster situations you need a leader to try and keep things orderly.

    At this point I feel that they knew things would go so bad and still didn’t plan accordingly. The mayor should have evacuated everyone much earlier. I can’t help wondering why the food was stored on the lower level again, when they knew that it flooded. Also how could they plan so poorly for the lack of drugs available for the patients?

    Marshall law was instated due to looters. The hospital did not want them coming into the hospital and stealing their supplies.

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