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  • #26210
    sapana das

    . Dr Evan’s learned that making a decision on patients when it comes to situations like live and death.and life importance of clear guidance in difficult decision making.
    . Things learned from post hurricane Katrina was that equipment were being stocked for emergency used.and that there will be better preparation when it comes to hurricane disaster. Based on the AMA I think that guidelines were not prepared made for healthcare professionals when it comes to disaster like hurricanes Katrina.
    . When fink said “sometime individuals medical choices, like triage choices are less a question of science they are of value.” She means that prioritizing is the most important thing when it comes to disaster like this. Patient who has a higher chance to live are the medical choice and patient who had a less chance of survival due to injury are less chance of survival.
    . The way this story impact my feeling about AMA is that AMA provided guidance and advocacy. And to make vote on proposed campaign for state law to make doctors immune from liability in disaster.c
    . I agree with the statement by Roger Bernier because as a healthcare professional you should provide same care to each pat Without judging their culture and race. All decisions should be made with health of patients.
    . I can educate my on how to make a right choice on situation because you need to knowledge in order for you to keep a patient safe. I see this book as a lesson learned because it help you understand what those stuff had to go through without any preparation for situations like this.

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