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  • #25497
    Ashlyn Westmoreland

    1.) I do not think it was fair. These people who died were not killed with ill intentions but to be put out of their misery in a time of crisis due to the storm, situation and limited to no supplies. All medical professionals handling this situation did the best they could do.
    2.) Fink had to talk about this because new orleans has a lot of high profile murders and Dr pou did not fit this description. There were people who had gotten away with actual murder due to insufficient evidence yet they wanted to make Dr pou a problem? She didn’t want to kill these people she was doing what she thought was best due to the specific circumstances they were in.
    3.) I would like to watch this link and contribute something on it but ive tried to click it 3 times and each time it says page not found….. sorry.
    4.) Under the right circumstances I do agree with mercy killing. If it is done with the right intention as i feel like it was done with at memorial then I think its okay. I dont think in a perfect situation and world a doctor should be able to decide to end someones life or not… but if someone is suffering or you dont have the means/supplies to care for them then i believe the decision should be make and if possible the patient should be included in making the decision.
    5.) Dr pous attorney had such a hard time because the level of crisis hurricane Katrina reached was incomparable. These health care workers were put in impossible situations and it was hard to choose what was the best solution. Treatment should always be in the best interest of the patient and the situation they were in made the normal level of care impossible. Arthur did not agree. AMA decided they needed the med recs and family consultations.

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