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  • #24455
    Lydia Jordan

    1. It referenced the book by referring to the nurses and doctors and the decisions they had to make to save people in tough times, and trying to convince everyone that they are innocent and shouldn’t serve jail time due to trying to save people and not murdering them

    2. It’s important because they were trying to prove that New Orleans had a broken system, not charging 2 murders for the crimes they committed in such a high crime rated area

    3.It’s saying page not found when I click on the link

    4.It impacts by view of the fact that it was going on for so long, that with all the differences of people back then compared to now. And now having so little communication and uproars about it make it surprising but then again I feel that no one really knows what they are.

    5.Katrina was such a big event that while to find documents and “proof”, there was nothing due to Katrina being so big there was nothing to compare it too. So while trying to making a decision of the guidelines there was nothing to look back on

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