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  • #25434
    Ashlyn Westmoreland

    1.) I was disgusted in the manner she was arrested and treated. Dr.Pou made her decisions with no malicious intent. I can’t say I would do the same thing or that I agree with what she did but she thought she was helping people. She is not a bad person and deserved to be treated with more respect.
    2.) DR. Pous innocence ro guilt was to be determines on what the jury decided her intent was. She was be considered guilty if the jury felt like she did this to commit homicide but if they saw and understood her point of view and agreed she did what she did in order to provide the best care for her patient then she was be considered innocent.
    3.) One develops the skills necessary to provide leadership by proper preparation with things such as performing appropriate practice drills and having the proper emergency supplies available incase of emergency.
    4.) Charity hospital did better because they prepared appropriately with drills, supplies and practice not only what to di in a perfect disaster situation but what to do in a disaster situation that also involved other obstacles. All staff was properly trained leaving them with a clearer mind when it came to making decision on what to do as well as the building was more prepared and organized.

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