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  • #25535
    Melissa White

    1)The final death toll at Memorial was significantly higher compared to other healthcare facilities. A large number of patients died during evacuation and the crisis at Memorial, it was one of the deadliest situations in the city during the storm.

    2)Tenet would need to demonstrate that they acted appropriately, followed protocol, and made the best decisions under extreme circumstances. They would need to provide evidence that they prioritized the safety and well-being of the patients, followed ethical guidelines, and took reasonable actions to care for and evacuate patients.

    3)The hospital prepared letters to inform family members members about the fate of the patients who had been in their care. The letters were sent to families to let them know whether their loved ones had lived or not. The patients that were evacuated by bus and helicopters were sent to different healthcare centers around the region, family members had a hard time locating their loved ones as it was a chaotic time and not very organized.

    4)Family members of the deceased give accounts of their experiences and have concerns about the circumstances of their loved one’s deaths. They share their perspectives about what happened. The autopsies play a crucial role in uncovering the cause of death for some of the patients. The find that some patients have lethal doses of midazolam and morphine. These medications are important cause it raises concerns about if they were administered for comfort or for for ending lives

    5)The mantra “don’t get emotionally involved” is a coping mechanism. The conflict between his professional objectivity and his personnel involvement is becoming hard to deal with

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