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  • #25128
    Ashlyn Westmoreland

    1.) Unfortunately the final death count at memorial was 45 which is very high. It ended up being the highest death count of all the hospitals that were impacted by the storm.
    2.) The tenant will have to prove that the disaster plan was followed during the storm.
    3.) Families were informed of their loved ones death via phone call two week AFTER the storm. Evacuated patients by bus were brought to a hotel and evacuated patients but helicopter were brought to a near by hospital.
    4.) Investigation was brought in due to the number of deaths. They learned from the families that possible euthanasia had taken place. These two drugs are important because there were large concentrated amounts of them found in a significant number of the people who had passed away.
    5.) I think Shafer was struggling following the mantra of “dont get emtoionally involved” due to the recent passing of his daughter. HIs daughter had died due to unknowing inappropriate use of medications prescribed to her. The medication prescribed to her should not have been taken at the same time due to their negative effect when taken together. Shafer was upset these medications were not only prescribed together by her doctor but the fact that it also made it through the pharmacy to her without getting flagged.

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