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  • #25064
    McHailey Grant

    1. The fact they hand ventilated patients was good but it also didn’t completely mean the patients would make it.
    2. The man was very sketchy and was most likely a looter but they turned everybody away because they knew there were looters out there and people shooting at the rescuers. People brought their pets because they didn’t want to leave them to suffer or drowned on their own but the pets couldn’t fit on the rescue boats so they ended up euthanizing some of them.
    3. He is definitely viewing the situation from an outside pint of few because he did not help move patients for rescue for 48 hours, but he definitely has a point because they did leave the DNRs behind and that just a statement not to restart the patients heart if it stopped but those patients heart were still beating so they should have been just as important as the other evacuees.
    4. The evacuating did not fit with triage practices because they were supposed to evacuate patients based on their needs. They were filling boats up with hospital workers and their families rather then patients. They also gave up on the patients who actually needed the electricity for survival when it went out when they might have had a chance if they would have got out fast enough. Even if the patients did make it out, nobody had any idea where the boats where headed or where the boats where taking the people on them so the sickest people might not of made it. Especially considering how dirty the water was and the infection it could have caused.

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