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  • #25561
    Saru Das

    Key decisions that kept people alive included the decision to move the sickest patients to higher floors, where it was cooler and the decision to ration supplies and ventilators. The failure of generators resulted in a critical situation where the nurses had to ventilate patients by hand, leading to an increase in the death court and heat.
    2) The man with the boat calling to rescue in the middle of the night was a resident of the nearby area who came to help evacuate patients. Pets were brought to the hospital because many patients refused to leave without their pets, and the hospital staff recognized the importance of the emotional support that pets could provide. The Cloverleaf was an important part of this story because it was the designated landing site for the helicopters that evacuated patients.
    3) Mark Leblanc is shocked by the staff’s departure when he walks into the hospital to help his mother.
    4) The priority system for evacuating patients did not fit within accepted triage practices because it did not prioritize patients based on their medical needs. A utilitarian approach may not always be the best because it focuses solely on maximizing the overall benefit and ignores individual rights and interests. A more ethical approach may be a combination of utilitarianism and principles such as justice, fairness, and respect for human dignity. Practicing triage medicine is difficult because it requires making difficult decisions under stressful circumstances with limited resources. The best approach for organ sharing is one that prioritize patients based on the medical need and ensures fairness and equity in the distribution of organs

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