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  • #23760

    1.Cheri Landry and Lori Budo worked as nurses at Memorial hospital along with Dr Pou .Cheri Landry and Lori Budo faced with a series of challenging decisions as they provide care to the patients during hurricane katrina .After the autopsies were performed , morphine was detected in patient bodies .Both the nurses testified that they have administered the drugs to the life care patients.Both the nurses were arrested for four counts of homicide .
    Karen wynn believed that they needed to medicate the patients.Wynn aimed to make patients comfortable.Wynn said staff could offer comfort , peace and dignity to the patients.
    Karen Wynn testimony was conspicuously absent from the grand jury proceedings.
    2. Many exercises were performed depicting pandemic outbreaks and every time it was found that the US hospitals were not equipped enough and ran out of ventilators.
    Considering situation similar to 1918 of the Spanish flu ; US hospitals started extending their supply and also stocking additional ventilators. Even doing this would not be enough during such a pandemic situation but will pave way to give best possible care for every patients giving them all the chances possible.
    3.In my opinion justice was served. Because it is very difficult to survey during disaster .Dr pou and the nurses tried to provide the possible care to the patients and keep them comfortable .

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