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    1. The doctors , nurses and staff members provide the patient care to their best even though they are running out of supplies . I felt sorry for pou when she was taken to jail because she tired her best to help the people even though it’s very difficult situation to take care of all the patients until the end .Dr pou priority was to keep the patients comfortable and tried to help the patients who are in pain. The most striking aspect of Dr Pou , is the fact she tries to help the most critical patients for whom the other doctors lost hope and trying to provide them the best possible care. 
    Her presence of mind to categorize all the
    patients and address them with timely attention and care.
    2.It is important that Fink includes information about high-profile murders and the murder rate in New Orleans because there were many homicides , murders in most hospitals in new orleans .
    4.Mercy killing from my perspective is to be done at the very final stages where all possibilities of getting the patients condition is ruled and and instead of them going through extreme pain and suffering and then dying , giving them a more peaceful passing. People’s perspective may sway due to various factors like when the decision is being made, condition of the patient and resources available.
    5.Attorney had been frustrated to find no useful guidelines for comfort care in disasters from the American Medical Association.
    Arthur Caplan concluded that what had happened at Memorial did not fit within the purview of palliative sedation during the disaster .
    AMA decide influential code of Medical Ethics continued to prohibit active euthanasia and created new guidelines during disaster .

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