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  • #19763

    When hospital got flooded Dr cook discontinued care . Dr cook is concerned administering morphine was a way of helping the patients to get out of terrible situations.
    Dr pou priority was to keep the patients comfortable and tried to help the patients who are in pain but later agree to euthanize the patients .
    Dr. Deichmann told there was not any need to euthanize anyone .The plan was to evacuate the people ,eventually.
    I think Dr.Deichmann idea might help to evacuate the people instead of euthanizing because there is no real protection for critical patients.
    All doctors and staff members provided patient care to their best .
    From my point of view, I would have liked the staffs to provide care to the patients until they could instead of thinking about euthanizing, as things might change in our favor anytime. As these are lives of people that we are talking about I would believe providing care until the very end is the most ethical option that would have done the most good.
    If I could fund ,I do generators . The hospital was flooded , no electricity.Generators failed which doctors , nurses and staff members trying their best to do patient care even though they are running out of supplies .The staff was exhausted by the situation .There was no clear information given what to be done .There was considerable gap and delay in communication. I have learned a lot about katrina particularly when it comes to the loss of basic utilities.It’s a very expensive problem to fix and depend heavily on electricity in healthcare.

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