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  • #19592

    1.The hospital was flooded , no electricity, Generators failed which doctors , nurses and staff members trying their best to do patient care even though they are running out of supplies .The staff was exhausted by the situation .There was no clear information given what to be done. There was considerable gap and delay in communication.
    Race was not a factor because the staff members trying to help all patients in the hospital.

    2. The decision to euthanize the pets left at the hospital was difficult because nurses and staff members had to evacuate patients from flooded building and they had no means or space to transport the animals .
    The chaos when it comes to the lack of basic utilities it’s a very expensive problem to fix .

    3.I don’t agree with Cooks view , looking at Merle Lagasse as somebody’s mother. In alignment with nurse Green’s view, I would look at Merle Lagasse as someone similar to my mother and give her every chance to survive even through this difficult situation. Even with the limited supplies that is available in the inventory I would try every possibility to help Mrs Lagasse trying to get her all the necessary medication and support.
    4.As hours passed by into the impacts of the hurricane, there were a lot of gap in communication between the memorial administration which caused lots of chaos and less order in providing assistance in evacuation or in addressing healthcare necessities to the patients. As a result when Mark who was already taking care of his mom and is desperate in getting to a safer place with his mother, came with a boat, there was definitely confusion among the staff who were all very tired at that point, not aware of the priorities and we’re not conscious of the order in which patients needs to evacuated. This includes nurse Sandra as well , thereby they both went forward taking Vera with them on the boat out of memorial.

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