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  • #19396

    1.The doctors , nurses and staff members running up and down the stairs providing patient care to their best even though they are running out of supplies .
    The decision to euthanize the critically ill patients resulted in death .

    2.It was Mark LeBlanc the son of Vera LeBlanc .
    Pets were brought to the hospital because they don’t want them to be alone when the storm hits .Many patients refused to leave their pets because having their loved ones near relieves some of their discomfort.
    Cloverleaf is the important part of this story because it was the landing site for the helicopter to evacuate the people .
    3.I think Mark has a point , as a son of Vera, he would definitely expect the hospital rescue team to continue evacuating the patients especially his mom. Since the planning of evacuation and medical attention to the DNR patients were not efficient and there evolved a certain degree of chaos it certainly would have raised concerns for Mark.
    4.The priority system for evacuating patients did not fit within accepted triage practices because the patients are not prioritized based on the type and urgency of their condition.
    I think that utilitarian is the best for rescuing the maximum number of patients at a faster pace.
    Practicing triage medicine is very difficult under emergency situations with limited supplies .
    The best approach for organ sharing is utilitarian approach .

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