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  • #24610
    Ashlyn Westmoreland

    1) Doctor Pou is described to be very attractive. The author mentions her size a few times in the description saying how small she is and how she got her small stature from her father. She has dark hair and full eyebrows. I was shocked as to how in depth the author went on the description of her beauty. He mentioned it what seemed to be a lot as if Drs aren’t normally beautiful people.. or that’s how I took it. Her strengths are leadership and taking initiative. Her weakness is her respect for hierarchy.

    2) After reading this part of the people I feel angry at the CEO and or owners of the hospital. I feel as if they were knowingly unprepared to build the hospital and money hungry. If they weren’t so worried about saving a penny these people lives wouldn’t be in the danger they were in because the proper precaution measures would have been made and implemented to the building and protocol so they would have been safer.
    3)The martial law is put in place during emergency’s when local emergency responders can not longer help or have control. The martial law temporarily give the military control of the situation.

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